Floriculture & agriculture

We know the agriculture and food industry inside out. From breeding and selection to cut flower, pot plant, tomato or potato. From building plan to production greenhouse. From harvest abroad or fish in the sea to the processing industry, wholesaler, restaurant or shop. From herbal mixture to animal product. From raw material to pharmaceutical product or medicine.

Sectors merging
What we are increasingly seeing is a merging of the Agri & Food industry and the Pharmaceutical sector. Through biotechnology, the technical influencing of natural processes, gene technology. But also because plant patent rights instead of plant breeders rights are being deployed for the legal protection natural products. When you cultivate a new flower or plant, you will have dealings with these sectors. We are ready to assist you as lawyers for the floriculture, horticulture and agriculture sector.

Fast developments, both technical and legal
A dynamic world, in constantly on the move, in practice and at the legal levle. We know the vertical processes in these sectors. We know what intermediate steps, intermediaries, semi-finished products, additions and requirements are involved in getting the final product to its final destination.

We know the authorities
And we know the related technical, supervisory and legal authorities and advisors, like the government, the Council for Plant Varieties, the NAKT, the Agriculture and Fisheries Inspector, the Food and Goods authorities, the Office for the Intellectual Property and the arbitration colleges and the judiciary.

We know your industry
We also know the industries that work regularly with the Agri, Food & Pharma sector in both the UK and the Netherlands, such as the suppliers and customers. For instance, the machine manufacturers and packaging industry (mechanisation & industry), transporters (transport, logistic & automotive), the (re)construction of greenhouses, company buildings and factories (construction and real estate).

We can help you with matters related to

  • flowers, bulbs, plants, seeds, trees
  • vegetables and fruit
  • agricultural products (import and export to/from the Netherlands)
  • hospitalities and catering
  • breeding, propagation and cultivation according to international and Dutch law
  • contracts and general terms and conditions under Dutch law
  • registration of breeders, brand and patent rights (in the Netherlands and in the European Union)
  • violation of breeders, brand and patent rights by a Dutch company or party
  • customs and other seizures and of infringing matters
  • tenancy cases and arbitration cases
  • anti-piracy (import of infringing products in the Netherlands)
  • biotechnology
  • auction terms and conditions
  • national and international trade (UK / Netherlands)
  • foodstuffs and additives
  • legal persons, partnerships and cooperations
  • family businesses and company acquisition
  • competition
  • (product) liability
  • insurances
  • permits
  • financing/banks
  • chain liability
  • greenhouse construction
  • climate computers
  • energy and installations

Peter W.M. Steenbergen LL.M.


Peter has years of experience in the agricultural sector, both in disputes and with advice.

0252 225253 0252 225253

Contact us now



Steenbergen Agri-Legal

Loosterweg 4b
2215 TL  Voorhout

T: +31 0252 22 52 53
F: +31 0252 22 78 70

KvK: 74462474
